The Visual Compendium of Notable Haircuts, a collection of Hollywood hairstyles can be seen in a poster available from

The poster covers 132 iconic movie hairstyles, like Vivien
Leigh’s black locks in Gone with the Wind, Charles Foster Kane’s haircut in
Citizen Kane, the much copied up-do of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in
Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the two-tone hair of Cruella in 101 Dalmatians. You
can even see Chewbacca’s, Princess Leia’s and Edward Scissorhands’ particular hairstyles
and from more recent films, the short-cut of Russell Crowe in Gladiator and
Audrey Tautou’s bob in Amelie.

It also works as a great way to verify your knowledge of
film history while trying to recognize the characters and the movies in which
they appear!
Another similar poster covering the hairstyles of music
stars from the Fifties to the present is also available on